“We crunch(ed) Artificial Intelligence” Meetup
On December 13 we had our very first The Analytics Lab Meetup at our Headquarters in Amersfoort. Despite the traffic jams around Amersfoort and a broken train that blocked the track between Utrecht and Amersfoort we could welcome around thirty people on this cold Wednesday. Unfortunately one of our expected speakers, Thomas Stalman from welkrestaurant.nl wasn’t one of them, the broken train made it impossible for him to get to Amersfoort on time. But on the bright side, this means we already have an amazing speaker planned for our next meetup!
After some simple but nice dinner, our other three speakers made grateful use of the space that Thomas left for them and brought their story full of enthusiasm to the bedazzled attendees of the meetup. Our first speaker was Klaas Tjepkema who told us about the Advanced Data Sampler and about the plans he has to evolve this. A story about dreaming big and starting small, a perfect example of putting AI to practice. Our second speakers were Joost van der Leegte and Willem van der Geest who told us about their Project Friday Project: AI and Coffee. This project is part of our The Analytics Lab Playground, where we can play around, have fun and learn a lot of new skills! In their presentation Joost and Willem told us more about the coffee machine that was extended with facial recognition. We even got a live demonstration of this coffee machine.
All in all it was a really interesting and fun evening, which gave a nice opportunity to learn more about artificial intelligence in general and data sampling and facial recognition more particular.
Thanks to everybody who was there at our very first meetup, we definitely enjoyed it and hope you did as well!
If you want to know more, or you want to be informed about our next meetup, please sign up at meetup.com and join our The Analytics Lab group. We’d love to see you there!