Our Advanced Data Sampler Beta version is live!
Great news! Our Advanced Data Sampler is live!
Why great? Well, did you ever find yourself preparing for teaching a course by spending hours on Kaggle (or other websites) to get the right dataset. Which contained data that fitted the business sector of your students as well as the subject of your course and had the right type of data issues? We did and we resented it, such a waste of precious time… Don’t get us wrong, we absolutely love Kaggle! But not if we are looking for just the right dataset to use when teaching.
Or did you ever find yourself wanting to show your colleagues or customers a really fancy and shiny dashboard, maybe by using some new/advanced/cool tool, but you couldn’t use or didn’t have the right data?
After hours on Kaggle and adjusting data by hand we have something that we can classify as “OK”, but not great. Sometimes it get’s even more frustrating, the data is available, but you’re just not allowed to use it due to security or privacy issues.
Here is where our Advanced Data Sampler comes in the picture. This all started with an idea of a tool that could help us mimic a database, but without any of the privacy and security issues and with only the data issues (outliers, missings) that we want or need.
Because we live by the motto ‘think big, start small’, that is exactly what we did, and here we are with our first beta version of the Advanced Data Sampler. Within this version you, as a user, are capable of creating two datasets. One dataset will contain customers with all the characteristics you defined, the other set will contain all their orders.
This is just our first small step in the path to our vision. We’re really curious how you value this first version and where you think we should put the focus on when further developing our Advanced Data Sampler. We want to invite you to try and test our Advanced Data Sampler!
Please share your opinion, feedback and ideas with us at info@theanalyticslab.nl