Let’s say you are an ambitious data analyst and want to further expand your skillset. You have already applied numerous complex algorithms but you want more in-depth knowledge of their inner workings. For starters, you decide to dive into the details of the mother of all algorithms: linear regression. A colleague of yours tipped The Elements of Statistical Learning as a great resource, and now you are facing the following formula:

In the last couple of years, my Data Science attention went mostly towards text (NLP / NLU), but that does not prevent me from playing around with video. Inspired by Trump’s response to his Corona approach and Jim Carrey vs Allison Brie, see my first attempt at playing with DeepLearning for video and DeepFakes. While […]

De nieuwste editie van onze Meetup sessies, op Woensdag 16 oktober 2019, vond deze keer plaats bij True in Amsterdam. True is specialist in managed hosting en managed digitale werkplekken en is één van de organisaties binnen het Broad Horizon portfolio waarvan Cmotions ook onderdeel is. Deze keer zoomden we in op het gebruik van […]

Op woensdag 16 oktober aanstaande is het weer tijd voor onze Meetup, deze keer is het onderwerp A.I. en Media. We starten met Jurriaan Nagelkerke (Cmotions) en Margot Rozendaal (DPG Media). Zij zullen ons meenemen in de ins en outs van Topic Modeling. Hoe pak je dit aan, welke data gebruik je hiervoor, welke technieken […]

After almost seven months, we finally came back with a brand new Meetup! On the 15th of May we came together at our headquarters in Amersfoort. Although there were probably many who stayed home that night to watch football, still thirty people were joining our Meetup. Good choice because we had a really interesting evening! Jeanine Schoonemann started […]

For our third Meetup about putting Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) to practice, we were very happy to welcome Thomas Stalman and Peter van Lith. They had two quite different, but very interesting stories. And despite the beautiful weather and the national strike at the regional public transport, they had a full room of people to share […]

“Could you create a handsign recognition model which we can use to teach High School students a bit more about A.I. in a fun way?”This is the question a few colleagues asked a couple of weeks ago, and ofcourse, the only real response here could be YES! I was immediately enthusiastic and started working on […]

On December 13 we had our very first The Analytics Lab Meetup at our Headquarters in Amersfoort. Despite the traffic jams around Amersfoort and a broken train that blocked the track between Utrecht and Amersfoort we could welcome around thirty people on this cold Wednesday. Unfortunately one of our expected speakers, Thomas Stalman from welkrestaurant.nl […]

When we tell our friends or family we were adding face recognition to a coffee machine, often the first question was ‘Why?’. A valid question, which is actually quite easy to answer: because we want to know whether we can, it’s fun and it’s another, just not your ordinary, reason to drink some beers on […]