We crunch(ed) Artificial Intelligence Meetup – part three
For our third Meetup about putting Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) to practice, we were very happy to welcome Thomas Stalman and Peter van Lith. They had two quite different, but very interesting stories. And despite the beautiful weather and the national strike at the regional public transport, they had a full room of people to share their stories with.
Thomas started the evening with his story about welkrestaurant.nl. Have you ever found yourself in the situation that you were in a city which you didn’t know so well and were looking for a nice place to have some dinner? Fear no more, because now we have AI, in the form of welkrestaurant.nl, which can help you find a nice restaurant in the city you’re in, based on another restaurant you do know and like in any other Dutch city. During his presentation Thomas took us on the journey of building a recommender system using, amongst other information, text mining on the reviews people gave about a restaurant.
Peter started his talk by showing us some videos on (humanoid) robotics football, with his own humorous commentary in the voice-over. Which was a brilliant introduction into the subject of robotics football. Something the TU Eindhoven is really good at, seeing that they won the World Championship for the fourth time in the last seven years. Peter took us on a whole different journey than Thomas did, our second journey of the evening took us along the path of creating (distorted) images for training purposes, the training of neural networks combined with existing programmed behaviour of the robots and how this should work on the robots in the end.
All in all we really enjoyed the evening and we want to thank our speakers, but also our audience! It was so great to see you all coming (again for some of you) to our headquarters in Amersfoort. Thank you for your attention and questions and we hope to see you at our next Meetup, which will be on Wednesday 17 October 2018. Please sign yourself up for our The Analytics Lab Meetup group, to make sure you will stay informed about our Meetups!
We definitely hope to see you there!