At the moment of writing this, it has been a long-lasting desire for Gitlab users to be able to see all members to any project within a group at a single glance or press of a button. It was also something I was looking for myself, since we use Gitlab as a company and therefore […]

In 1964, the Beatles released their iconic song “I Want to Hold Your Hand”. Since then, the Fab Four have become one of the most influential bands in music history. Now, fifty years later, you can generate your own Beatles lyrics using AI. In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant advances in the […]

In this blog we use timeseries analyses to model the trend in Dutch marriages and extrapolate this to the first two Covid-19 years (2020 and 2021). Doing so we are able to shed some light on the expected amount of marriages postponed, and what might be ahead of us in 2022, of course dependent on local restrictions next year. We use public available data provided by Statistics Netherlands on the number of marriages in past years.

For our latest Project Friday, we entered the CommonLit Readability competition on Kaggle. We learned a lot from working together on this cool NLP task. Stay tuned to see where this led us.

Learn how to create an overview of all the e-books on your computer and even retrieve their ISBN and summary.

Starting to build machine learning models using Python can surely be overwhelming due to the endless possibilities that this open source tool offers. Therefore, we built a Python package that guides (junior) data analysts and scientists through all the steps involved in building machine learning models with easy to use functions.