We proudly present the video of our first The Analytics Lab Meetup!

We proudly present the video of our first The Analytics Lab Meetup! It took us some time, but it was definitely worth the wait (as far as we’re concerned, but please decide for yourself).

Hoe we via Kunstmatige Intelligentie klanttevredenheid verhogen en kosten verlagen

Iedereen die wel eens gebeld heeft naar het servicenummer van een overheidsinstantie of een grote dienstverlener zal het ongetwijfeld herkennen: een lange wachttijd, een aantal keer doorverbonden worden en niet meteen het juiste antwoord krijgen. Sinds Youp van het Hek in 2010 een Twitter-storm startte over T-Mobile en de, in zijn ogen, beroerde klantenservice is […]

“We crunch(ed) Artificial Intelligence” Meetup

On December 13 we had our very first The Analytics Lab Meetup at our Headquarters in Amersfoort. Despite the traffic jams around Amersfoort and a broken train that blocked the track between Utrecht and Amersfoort we could welcome around thirty people on this cold Wednesday. Unfortunately one of our expected speakers, Thomas Stalman from welkrestaurant.nl […]

Does your coffee machine know who you are? Ours does!

When we tell  our friends or family we were adding face recognition to a coffee machine, often the first question was ‘Why?’. A valid question, which is actually quite easy to answer: because we want to know whether we can, it’s fun and it’s another, just not your ordinary, reason to drink some beers on […]

Project Friday 1.5: AI & Coffee – When you flip your coffee machine the finger

Everybody has those mornings when your mood is not as wonderful as always and your energy levels seem to be lagging, especially before you had your coffee. Those mornings when you just want to flip the finger to everything and everyone and tell the world to fuck off. When “working” on our A.I. coffee machine, […]

Project Friday 1.1: Artificial Intelligence meets coffee

This Friday we started with our first ‘Project Friday’. About once a month, on a Friday, we’ll lock ourselves away for the afternoon with a couple of beers and a fun project. The project doesn’t need to bring money to table, it needs to bring fun, challenges, knowledge and inspiration to the table. Our first […]