R Experience @ University of Groningen, Eneco, Delta and Cmotions Talent Academy

Last year we started with our R Experience at the University of Groningen. Where we taught Marketing and Marketing Intelligence students not only the basics of R and RStudio, but also how to perform data preparation and how to use different modeling techniques. At the beginning of the five courses none of the students ever […]

Model in één middag in de praktijk

Ken je dat? Dat je eigenlijk gewoon eens wilt weten of de data die je hebt, geschikt is voor het voorspellen van bepaald gedrag van je klanten? Maar dat je geen tools tot je beschikking hebt en ook niet zo goed weet waar te beginnen… Een klant van ons constateerde dat er omzet potentie bleef […]

R Experience @ University of Groningen

This Monday was the last day of the R Experience course at the University of Groningen. Since this year Marketing (Intelligence) students are required to use R for assignments, where they’ve only worked with SPSS before. To kickstart their learning curve in R, we lectured the R Experience, in cooperation with the MARUG (Marketing Association […]

Python & R vs. SPSS & SAS

When we’re working for clients we mostly come across the statistical programming languages SAS, SPSS, R and Python. Of these SAS and SPSS are probably the most used. However, the interest for the open source languages R and Python is increasing. In recent years, some of our clients migrated from using SAS or SPSS to […]

Happy pi day!

Just something funny because it’s pi day. Enjoy! # clear your environment rm(list = ls()) # load the necessary libraries library(png) library(plotrix) # lab kleuren oranje <- rgb(228/255, 86/255, 65/255) donkergrijs <- rgb(75/255, 75/255, 74/255) lichtblauw <- rgb(123/255, 176/255, 231/255) # read the image of pi img = readPNG(“C:/Users/j.schoonemann/Desktop/pi.png”) # read the logo of The […]

Leer R met de Experience R. Schrijf je nu in!

Als (data) analist ben je altijd bezig met hoe jij jouw organisatie kan helpen met betere inzichten en modellen. Jouw innovativiteit wordt beperkt door de mogelijkheden die je hebt in de tool waarmee je werkt. Wij willen je graag helpen en je introduceren in R, een flexibel open-source programma waarbij de community ervoor zorgt dat […]

Fireworks (in R)

New Year – a new chapter, new verse, or just the same old story ? Ultimately we write it. The choice is ours. ― Alex Morritt The Analytics Lab and Cmotions wish everybody a happy year. A year full of challenges, new experiences and new knowledge. library(ggplot2) rm(list = ls()) # First rocket t1 = […]

Christmas Tree with ggplot
Remove all user installed packages in R

A little while ago I ran into an issue with R and RStudio. In order to solve this issue I saw myself forced to remove all user installed packages. For a lot of practical reasons it was not an option for me to simply uninstall R and start with a clean slate and a new […]