Project Friday 3.2 – Virtual Assistant with voice Recognition
In our previous post, we explained what happened when you put six data scientists in an apartment in Luik for the weekend. You’ll end up with a Virtual Assistant, which we named, Willy (we know the name doesn’t translate that well to English). Willy is able to understand us when we ask to schedule a meeting, he then checks the calendars of the colleagues in question and schedules an appointment at the first moment all colleagues are available.
This is part of what we call Project Friday, an initiative we use to do projects that don’t generate money, but do contribute to our knowledge about A.I. and Machine Learning, but also definitely contribute to the work atmosphere.
At Cmotions, when we’re at the start of the meeting, sometimes, someone suggests that it could be useful if someone writes down what was said and who has which actions points. However, it is always the case that the person that throws this on the table, doesn’t want to do this him/herself. But then again, neither do the others, which results in an awkward silence until the weakest link caves.
After Luik, our ambition wasn’t satisfied yet. Therefore, we reserved an office space in Utrecht, set a new goal for a new feature and went on with it! During this afternoon, we created a feature that, when during a meeting, you can lay your phone down on the table, record everything with Telegram -which can be considered as an alternative to Whatsapp-. The recording is sent to our Virtual Assistant who then checks which colleagues were present at the meeting, transcribes the total audio file and sends a summary of the meeting to the participants by mail (including a to do list per person).
Curious for more? We’ll post more in the future! In the upcoming articles we’ll tell you how speech recognition works and which features we implemented in the next Project Friday sessions. Can’t wait or want a real life demo? Drop by for a cup of coffee, or meet us at the Klantenservice Federatie on February, 6th in Bunnik, The Netherlands.