Nachos Hackathon 2022
We don’t know if you’ve heard already, but there is yet another crisis on our horizon: The Netherlands is in danger of becoming a nacho-state. The use of fried nacho chips in nightlife has become the rule rather than the exception. There is not a single South American cargo ship entering the harbour of Rotterdam that does not contain jalapeño peppers or sour cream hidden in banana boxes. Avocados are mashed into guacamole in secret Dutch cellars, making them easier to distribute all over Europe.

The police are in over their head unraveling the most exotic variants of this once innocent, triangle-shaped, corn product.
‘A small country is at the center of a billion-dollar Nachos industry.‘
Where some people see a crisis, we see an opportunity. One we wanted to share with our network. That is why we gathered some of the smartest people in The Netherlands to form their own cartels in our Cmotions and The Analytics Lab Nachos data & analytics Hackathon. Each participating cartel was challenged to set up an entire nachos line from producing, transporting, and distributing nachos.

We knew we invited some of the smartest people in The Netherlands, but still they managed to amaze us with all their creativity and spicy solutions. But as with everything, only one cartel can be the winner. For this years hackathon the fight was fierce, so we are very proud to announce that the fantastic data lovers from DPG Media were the ones who setup the most profitable nacho line.
Congratulations DPG Media!

Curious of what we did during the day, checkout our video!
We would like to thank all of our cartels for their enthusiastic participation, the hackathons are our favourite (work)day of the year, all because of you! We hope to see you all again for our next hackathon. And for the people who had to miss this one, let us know you’re interested and we will keep you updated on our plans for the next hackathon in 2023.
Hasta la próxima