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In a sequence of articles we compare different NLP techniques to show you how we get valuable information from unstructured text. About a year ago we gathered reviews on Dutch restaurants. We were wondering whether 'the wisdom of the croud' - reviews from restaurant visitors - could be used to predict which restaurants are most [...]
In a sequence of articles we compare different NLP techniques to show you how we get valuable information from unstructured text. About a year ago we gathered reviews on Dutch restaurants. We were wondering whether 'the wisdom of the croud' - reviews from restaurant visitors - could be used to predict which restaurants are most [...]
For the past 5.5 years I have been working mostly in customer/marketing analytics departments. A common task is the evaluation of marketing campaigns, for example: Split a homogeneous group of customers (e.g., 'new') into 2 groups, A & B Send group A an email with a €10,- coupon Send group B the same email without [...]

The world of Data Science is changing in such a rapid pace and into such broad directions that it is impossible to even be informed on every aspect of our interesting work field, let alone use all of these marvelous insights in practice. Therefore, at The Analytics Lab and Cmotions, we focus on the parts of Data Science […]

Let's say you are an ambitious data analyst and want to further expand your skillset. You have already applied numerous complex algorithms but you want more in-depth knowledge of their inner workings. For starters, you decide to dive into the details of the mother of all algorithms: linear regression. A colleague of yours tipped The [...]

In the last couple of years, my Data Science attention went mostly towards text (NLP / NLU), but that does not prevent me from playing around with video. Inspired by Trump’s response to his Corona approach and Jim Carrey vs Allison Brie, see my first attempt at playing with DeepLearning for video and DeepFakes. While […]

Deze week is er in de haven van Rotterdam een flinke partij Mexicaans bier onderschept. Om verdere verspreiding van deze verslavende drank te voorkomen, heeft de regering voor de komende weken strenge beperkingen gesteld op alle goederen die vanuit risicogebieden geïmporteerd worden. Dit betekent dat ook de import van tortillachips, avocado’s en jalapenopepers de komende […]

Storm Ciara was nog maar net gaan liggen toen het alweer tijd was voor onze Meetup op woensdag 12 februari bij True in Amsterdam. Eigenlijk kwam de storm te vroeg, want het leek een traditie te worden dat onze Meetup samenvalt met een grote nationale gebeurtenis. Zo hebben we al een Champions Leauge finale, de […]

Al jarenlang staan de kranten er vol van: Nederland dreigt een nachostaat te worden. Het gebruik van tortillachips in het uitgaansleven is eerder een regel dan uitzondering en er vaart geen vrachtschip uit Zuid-Amerika de haven binnen zonder verstopte pakketjes jalapeño pepers en crème fraîche in bananendozen. In schimmige Nederlandse kelders worden avocado’s versneden tot […]